Esta canção encontra-se a venda no site , em CD físico e em Digital ou entre directo com este link

Titulo do CD: “Carro Preto”

Titulo da Canção: “Comment Ca Va”


La la la la

Comment Ca Va, com si com si com si com sa
Tu no compram vi a la mor
Reste la nui, reste tu jur
Comment Ca Va, com si com si com si com sa
Tu no compram vi a la mor
Reste la nui, reste tu jur 

Holliday in paris, Sunday after noon
Me and a French boy, evening light by moon
So we were dancing to the music
And I was waiting for my chance
I only did not understand him
When he said this in French

There was love in paris, didn’t no what to do
Walking with my boy roundayvo for two
I was afraid to kiss my baby, didn’t no what he’d say
Kinking with my evening in a small café
I asked him to kiss me and do something more
He didn’t understand me like I did before